Sunday 24 June 2007

Mail is Still the Best Way to Reach Consumers!

A recent survey completed by International Communications Research (ICR) revealed that even in today's digital world, consumers clearly prefer mail over other communications vehicles such as e-mail for receiving new product information and offerings as well as confidential business communications, such as bank statements and financial reports.

The study, commissioned by Pitney Bowes found that
  • The majority of consumers (73 percent) prefer mail for receiving new product announcements or offers from companies they do business with, as compared to 18 percent for e-mail.
  • Mail was also preferred by 70 percent of respondents for receiving unsolicited information on products and services from companies with which they are not currently doing business.
  • For confidential communications such as bills, bank statements and financial reports, respondents overwhelmingly preferred mail (86 percent) as their channel of choice, as compared with 10 percent for e-mail.
  • The survey also found that consumers are less likely to discard unopened mail (31 percent) – including new product brochures, catalogs or other advertising materials – than they are to discard unsolicited e-mails about new products (53.2 percent).

Compared with other communications channels, including e-mail and telephone, survey respondents found mail to be:

  • Less intrusive — doesn’t interrupt other activities (45.3 percent);
  • More convenient — can be saved and considered at leisure (40.2 percent);
  • Less high-pressured — lets you consider your decision (30.2 percent);
  • More descriptive — lets you picture the offer (22.7 percent); and
  • More persuasive — encourages you to respond (12 percent).

Hmmm... but then again Pitney Bowes are trying to sell you using the mail service (ie theirs!)

But, ask yourself:

  • Do you know the most effective way for you to communicate with your customers?
  • What things do you do that really irritate your 'ideal'/target customers?
  • Do you know how your 'ideal' customers prefer to be communicated with? Have you asked them?
  • How could you improve the way that you communicate with your ideal customers? List three thing that you could do tomorrow.


R.Vijayann said...

Hello everyone,
I do agree people do read paper mail more than e mail promo's. We do send a lot of paper mail to our customers and we have had amazing results when we changed the language to suit the customers mother tounge.
Previously we used to send info only in English. Now we send our info in Tamil and Hindi. Though our customers do read email and understand English. We do connect a lot better with customers with snail mail.
Another Idea we have taken from Robert is; we leave some space in the flyers for the customer to scrible his comments on or doodle,whatever. We just need the info to hang on the customers table a wee bit longer. Robert is the only one I think advises you to mark your thoughts in his books.very useful idea. Thanks



Unknown said...

Can you tell me... can you still get India editions of my books 'Kick-Start Your Business' and 'Customer Is King' in India?


Digital Indian said...

Hello everyone,
I do agree people do read paper mail more than e mail promo's. We do send a lot of paper mail to our customers and we have had amazing results when we changed the language to suit the customers mother tounge.
Previously we used to send info only in English. Now we send our info in Tamil and Hindi. Though our customers do read email and understand English. We do connect a lot better with customers with snail mail.
Another Idea we have taken from Robert is; we leave some space in the flyers for the customer to scrible his comments on or doodle,whatever. We just need the info to hang on the customers table a wee bit longer. Robert is the only one I think advises you to mark your thoughts in his books.very useful idea. Thanks

